Victim or Pleasure Seeker?
I recently noticed a pattern as I flipped through older notes from past women I have worked with. Bear with me as I share it. Many of my...

Fix Your Face...?
Some of us think we are so observant that we can read people. We tell ourselves that just by looking at the expression on their faces, we...

What are You Aiming For?
I think my dad always wanted a son. When I was much younger, he would take me into the woods with him to teach me how to fire a rifle. I...

Not in Front of the Children
I work with a lot of single moms and having been one myself, I can admit it’s one of the hardest jobs on the planet. Raising a child by...

Time: Our Ultimate Currency
When you’re young, you think that you have all the time in the world to tackle your dreams and accomplish your goals. As you age, you...

My Favorite Curseword: Submission
Submission. There I said it. I cursed at you. Most people don’t like that word because it means giving up our right to be right, our...

That Betrayal Was Your Blessing
When I was younger and less secure than I am now, I found that I would put up with almost any treatment just to be included. I knew...

Lies are Like Spider Webs
I was having a conversation today with someone about the benefit of always telling the truth. The truth is so much easier to remember ...

Don't Twist it to Fit
I have a confession to make. In spite of the fact that I’m an ordained minister, I still find myself struggling at times to comprehend...

Do You Enjoy the Circus?
Some days are easier than others. Most days, I find people very easy to deal with and then there are those other days. I don’t know...