Life Coaching & Soul Care, LLC
Who I Serve and Why
I've been through a few trials by fires of my own and personally found traditional therapy can sometimes be a bit cold and clinical, as well as quite expensive. I promised myself that I would never make the people I served feel uncomfortable, judged, or as if I felt their issues were contagious and unpleasant. I create a judgment-free zone where you can discuss anything that is causing you to live a life less than you deserve or desire. I also believe that the words we use when speaking about ourselves and our situations matter. I speak life and hope every chance I get.
I have been referred to as the "Velvet Steamroller" because I deliver the truth with a healthy dose of love. You need to call your mountains by name if you're ever going to take authority over them and cast them into the sea. I serve women over 21 and couples who may be engaged, considering marriage, or who've been married a long time and desire to strengthen and improve their communication styles. My work experience is in the area of mental health, relationships, grief, loss, and trauma.
We are living in desperate and uncertain times. Most of us have never experienced anything like what we’re going through right now. You may have already been living with financial stress, health issues, or perhaps relationship complications. On top of those things, we've been dealing with numerous unseen viruses that have wreaked havoc in our routines. That’s a lot for any one person to try to unpack on their own. If you want to talk about them and how they've impacted your life, or the other stresses you were already carrying, reach out to me at your convenience.
You are one appointment away from a better life. Don't wait any longer. You can begin living the life you were meant to TODAY!