Through It All
This past year has been…Well, difficult doesn’t even begin to cover it. My theme song has been, “Through It All (It Is Well)” by Bethel. Whenever I hear it, I come undone. Just like David, I have to encourage myself in the Lord. I guess that’s why Habakkuk tells us to write it down. In my case, “it” being not only the vision as God reveals it to me, but the great things He has done, because left to myself, I might be inclined to swear that there had never been a good day in my life after coming through a year like this past one.
I have to remind myself that God is good and He takes care of His own. Sometimes taking care of us means saying “No” and sometimes it requires withholding things that we really want in the moment. Sometimes it means saying goodbye to people, places and things that we have held dear to us; sometimes it means changing directions completely and forging an entirely new and unchartered path. One thing I have come to know about the God I serve, however, is that He goes before me and makes those crooked places straight and the rough places smooth. He also goes with me so that I am never alone, even when it feels as if I have been abandoned. He is always right there in the thick of things and all I have to do is call upon His great Name and His presence can be felt.
That is why I can sing with confidence that it IS well, even when it hurts. I know His ways are better than my ways and His thoughts towards me are so much higher than my own thoughts will ever be and that gives me peace and comfort. I encourage you to praise your way through it all when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place or facing hard times. He will be with you through it all.